Dolores Reid

How To Avoid Chiclet Teeth When Seeking Smile Enhancement

The term "chiclet teeth" is used to describe artificially enhanced teeth that look like chiclet gum. Chiclet teeth look artificial, and anyone that sees you with such teeth will automatically know that your smile isn't natural. Tell your dentist if you don't want to end up with such teeth; the dentist will know what to do. Here are a few tips that may help. Getting Shapes That Are Roughly Similar to Natural Teeth Read More 

Want To Fix A Gummy Smile? You Can Do It Without Surgery

What constitutes a gummy smile? According to one poll, patients said that when about 3 mm of gingiva showed when smiling, then it was a gummy smile. However, orthodontists in the poll said as little as 2 mm was gummy, while general practitioners said 4 mm was the threshold. While no one can seem to agree, the point is that if you are unhappy with your smile and feel too much gum is showing, you should seek out a dentist for help. Read More 

Two Dental Appliances That Can Stop Thumb Sucking

It's not unusual for young children to self-soothe by sucking on their thumbs. While most kids eventually grow out of the habit, not all of them do, and this can cause oral health problems that will cost thousands of dollars to treat. There are a number of strategies parents can use to get their kids to stop sucking their thumbs; one of which is to talk to their children's pediatric dentists about installing habit-breaking dental devices. Read More 

3 Vital Oral Health Tips For Seniors

As you get older, your health needs change. This is as true for your dental health as it is for the rest of your body. In the past, it was common for senior citizens to lose some or all of their teeth, but these days, there's no reason for you to fear losing your teeth if you take proper care of them. Take a look at some of the most important oral health care tips for seniors. Read More 

Cosmetic Dentistry Is Something To Smile About If You Work In These Careers

Many people long to have an eye-catching smile, but a set of straight pearly whites can be particularly desirable if you work in certain jobs. When you're in the public eye, a set of stained or crooked teeth might not work to your advantage — and you may be concerned that people are focusing on your teeth rather than what you're saying. This can especially be the case if your teeth are particularly bad. Read More