Tips for Working Good Oral Hygiene into a Busy Schedule

3 Potential Dental Treatments For Common Jaw Problems

When you think about a trip to the general dentist office, you might picture teeth cleanings, fillings, and crowns. But dentists are there to help optimize your oral health in every way. And that can include helping you correct any problems with your jaw that are causing bite issues, pain, or preventing you from getting a dental implant. Here are a few of the potential dental treatments for common jaw problems you can get at a general dentist's office. Read More 

Treatments For Dental Problems Related To Clefts

Clefts are birth defects resulting from the improper formation of the mouth and/or palate, which results in a deep indentation in the malformed area. Both a cleft lip and a cleft palate can also cause dental issues in both the baby and adult teeth. Waiting for those teeth to fall out can often rectify baby teeth issues, but adult teeth will require dental treatment to correct the problem. Here are a few of the common dental problems related to clefts – and potential treatments you should discuss with your dentist: Read More 

3 Dental Concerns Worth Bringing Up At Your Next Teeth Cleaning

When you've got a persistent toothache, you know to bring this up with your dentist because it's most likely the sign of a cavity, which is an easy enough fix. However, there are all kinds of other common dental problems that people tend to overlook or ignore. Unfortunately, these concerns can be the sign of major dental problems. So, the next time you're in for a teeth cleaning and your dentist asks you if you have any questions, here are a few things worth mentioning if they apply to you. Read More 

What To Expect When Getting Veneers

If your dentist tells you that you are a candidate for having veneers placed to reconstruct your smile, you may wonder what the process entails. Dental veneers improve the visual appearance of teeth. Here is a run down of the process you will need to go through to prepare for veneer placement and how to take care of your new veneers after having the procedure done: When Would You Get Veneers? Read More 

Ways To Help Reinvent Your Smile

If your teeth have suffered damage due to gum disease, injury or from not being able to visit the dentist as often as you should have, you shouldn't have to pay the price any longer. Dentistry, cosmetic dentistry and oral surgery have made several advancements that make it easier to access quality cosmetic surgery for your teeth. Because your teeth are the first thing many people see when they look at you, your smile is the main focal point of your face. Read More