Tips for Working Good Oral Hygiene into a Busy Schedule

What’s Special About Women’s Oral Health

There are plenty of factors that go into oral health that affect men and women equally. However, it might surprise you to learn that a woman's reproductive system has a big role to play in their oral health. Here's what women should know about their oral health and how it's affected by the reproductive system's processes. Hormones Hormones are the main reason why women experience oral health problems. Women have varying levels of hormones depending on their overall health and their reproductive cycle. Read More 

How To Keep Your Baby’s Mouth Healthy

If you are pregnant or have just become a new parent, you may already be thinking of ways to keep your little one healthy and happy. Your child's oral health is likely a primary concern.  Here are a few ways to keep your baby's mouth as healthy as possible.  Breastfeed Breastfeeding provides a host of health benefits for your little one, and some of these benefits extend to the baby's teeth and gums. Read More 

5 Benefits Of Wearing Braces

Working to have the most beautiful smile possible may require some effort on your part. One of the top ways to achieve this goal is by wearing braces. There are many advantages to having this dental process done that will help you in the long run. Being aware of the reasons to choose braces may be the motivation you need to get started. Benefit #1: Straighter teeth The key to getting the smile you want will rest in having straight teeth. Read More 

What To Do If You Knock Your Tooth Out

You've gotten into an accident or were playing sports, and you've knocked out your tooth as a result. If the issue is addressed quickly, the tooth can sometimes be saved. Here are the things you should do when you knock your tooth out. Protect Your Mouth Immediately following your mouth injury, protect your mouth against damage by placing a gauze, clean strip of cotton, or another type of material in your mouth. Read More 

Three Warning Signs Of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a life-threatening condition that can cause serious problems for your overall health if left untreated. Unfortunately, getting a diagnosis can be difficult, as many people don't realize that their various symptoms are related to sleep apnea. If you or your loved ones are experiencing any of these symptoms, sleep apnea could be to blame. Daytime Exhaustion One of the most common issues with sleep apnea is exhaustion during the daytime when you're trying to stay awake. Read More