No Time To Floss? Consider The Time That You’ll Invest If You Don’t
If you seldom floss your teeth, you might have many reasons for avoiding this important oral care task. One of the most common reasons for failing to floss is the amount of time that it takes; the American Dental Association notes that 55% of people who aren't daily flossers skip flossing because they believe that it's too time-consuming. There's little doubt that flossing takes some time, and it can also take time to get into the habit of flossing daily. If you're of the mindset that you don't have time to floss, consider how you might have to spend your time if you don't change your ways.
Constantly Freshening Your Breath
One of the chief benefits of daily flossing is the removal of bacteria to promote healthier gums. When your gums aren't healthy because of a surplus of bacteria, bleeding won't be your only concern. You'll also notice that your breath isn't very fresh. It's possible that you might be aware of your own breath, or maybe your loved ones tell you. When you have bad breath, it's reasonable to expect that you'll spend more time constantly trying to keep your breath fresh than you'd spend flossing. Between buying gum, using mouthwash, keeping hydrated, and other tactics, you're better off dealing with the problem at the source by flossing.
Devoting More Time To Brushing
If you're conscientious about the health of your mouth, despite not flossing regularly, you might know that it's important to be a little more vigilant when you brush. Instead of brushing your teeth in a matter of minutes like most people, you might spend more time brushing your teeth carefully and even scrubbing your gums in an effort to reduce the bacteria in your mouth. Doing so can be useful, but it's not a proper alternative to flossing — and can end up taking longer than it would take for you to floss.
Spending More Time At The Dentist
There's little doubt that if you don't floss for an extended period of time, it will lead to longer and more frequent dental visits. When you make flossing part of your overall good oral care regimen, your once- or twice-annual cleanings should be quick and easy. When you don't floss, however, your dental hygienist will have to work harder to remove tartar that is built up along your gums and between your teeth. You may also be at a higher risk of cavities, which can further extend the length of your dental visits.
For more information, contact a dental office like Carpenter Dental today.