Protect Those Pearly Whites: 3 Steps To Effective Brushing

When it comes to brushing your teeth, there's a right way – and a wrong way – to do it. The right way will ensure that your teeth and gums stay healthy. The wrong way can lead to gum tooth decay, gum disease, and premature tooth loss. You might think that simply running a tooth brush across your teeth for a minute or two is good enough. Unfortunately, that's not correct. In fact, there's almost an art to brushing your teeth properly. To prevent dental problems, here are three steps you should take to brush your teeth properly.

Choose the Right Toothbrush

Brushing your teeth properly requires the right tools. The most important tool you'll use is your toothbrush. That's why it's so important that you choose the right toothbrush for your mouth and teeth.

First, the right toothbrush should fit in your mouth. You shouldn't have to stretch your mouth to use your toothbrush. If you have to strain to get your toothbrush to the back of your mouth, you're using the wrong size. If you're not sure which size toothbrush to use, purchase several different styles and give them all a try.

Second, make sure you choose the right type of bristles. Toothbrushes come in soft, medium and hard. If the bristles are too soft, they won't remove any of the plaque from the surface of your teeth. If the bristles are too hard, they'll scrape your gums, which could cause gum infections. Choose the type of bristles that feel best on your teeth and gums.

Time It

If you're brushing your teeth for less than a minute, you're jeopardizing your teeth and gums. For best results, you should be brushing your teeth for at least two minutes. If you're worried about cutting it short, set a timer, or listen to your favorite song each time you brush. It's also a good idea to divide your mouth into four separate sections. Brush each section for about 30 seconds before moving on to the next section. This will ensure that you brush your teeth long enough, and that all of your teeth receive equal treatment.

Keep It Clean

If you store your toothbrush on the bathroom counter, the bristles might be contaminated with fecal matter. That's because every time you flush the toilet, particles of the waste water spray through the air. That aerosol action can spread fecal matter for up to 20 feet. The best way to protect your toothbrush from fecal deposits is to store your brush in the bathroom cabinet.

You need your teeth. Brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day is a great start to keeping them healthy and strong. Use the simple tips provided here to make sure that your brushing habits are as productive as possible. For more tips, speak with your dentist.
