Dealing With The Aftermath Of A Dental Implant Procedure

If you decided to have an implant surgery done to revitalize your smile with permanent porcelain teeth, you are most likely very excited to show off the new look you will obtain after the procedure is completed. Since getting dental implants is a surgical procedure, steps need to be taken in caring for your gums after you awaken with newly placed metal rods in your mouth. Here are some tips to use after your dental implant surgery to ensure you remain in the best of health so you can have your teeth fused onto the rods promptly.

Be Prepared For Bleeding

Since your gums will be cut to place metal rods inside, there is likely to be some bleeding after the area is stitched up. Your doctor will request you leave a gauze pad in your mouth to help absorb blood. This will need to be changed every hour or so to keep the area clean. If you notice you are changing the pads more frequently, alert your dentist to make sure there is no underlying problem, such as an area where a stitch has become loose. 

Keep Your Mouth Clean

Performing oral hygiene steps is necessary to keep your teeth, gums, and tongue free of bacteria to minimize the risk of an infection to your incision. Gently brush your teeth, avoiding the areas where rods were placed until pain and swelling has subsided. To clean these areas, rinse with mixture of half a teaspoon of salt and a cup of water a few times a day. This will aid in the healing of your gums.

Relieve Pain Effectively

You will undoubtedly suffer from some slight pain or discomfort after the implant procedure. Luckily, after you heal, you will not endure pain in showing off your new smile as you would with constant denture wear. To help reduce symptoms, place an ice pack wrapped inside of a hand towel against your cheek opposite the area where pain is felt. Do not leave this in place for more than twenty minutes at a time.

Your doctor will prescribe pain medication to use during the first days after the surgery to help alleviate pain as well. It is a good idea to take your first dosage as soon as it is prescribed to help tolerate pain before it gets too intense.

Take It Easy

With a dental implant surgery, it is not only important to rest your body afterward, but also to minimize activities where you use your mouth, such as drinking from a straw, smoking cigarettes, spitting, or whistling. These actions could cause damage to your incision. When eating, start with softer foods and work your way up to solid choices after pain subsides. It is best to avoid exercising for a few days after your surgery so your body has a chance to recuperate.

For dental implants, click on this link or do an online search. 
